A spotlight on the rustic recordings of Austin's The Bad Livers!
The Bad Livers- Wild Bill Jones (Lounge Ax Defense comp., 1996, T&G)
The Bad Livers- Workin’ on a Building (Dust on the Bible, cass.,1991)
The Bad Livers- Medley: I Saw the Light, Will the Circle Be Unbroken, I’ll Fly Away (Dust on the Bible, cass.,1991)
The Bad Livers- Farther Along (Dust on the Bible, cass.,1991)
The Bad Livers- Lust for Life (7”, 1991)
The Bad Livers- Uncle Lucius (Delusions of Banjer, 1992, Quarterstick)
The Bad Livers- How My Dark Shadow’s Grown (Delusions of Banjer, 1992, Quarterstick)
The Bad Livers- Shit Creek (Delusions of Banjer, 1992, Quarterstick)
The Bad Livers- Time & Time Again (Horses in the Mines, 1994, Quarterstick)
The Bad Livers- He Didn’t Say a Word (Horses in the Mines, 1994, Quarterstick)
The Bad Livers- Clawhammer Fish (Horses in the Mines, 1994, Quarterstick)
The Bad Livers- Lets Forgive Each Other (Horses in the Mines, 1994, Quarterstick)
The Bad Livers- Hogs on the Highway (Hogs on the Highway, 1997, Sugar Hill)
The Bad Livers- Corn Liquor Made a Fool Out of Me (Hogs on the Highway, 1997, Sugar Hill)
The Bad Livers- My Old Man (Hogs on the Highway, 1997, Sugar Hill)
The Bad Livers- I’m Goin’ Back to Mom & Dad (Industry & Thrift, 1998, Sugar Hill)
The Bad Livers- I’m Convicted (Industry & Thrift, 1998, Sugar Hill)
The Bad Livers- Lumpy, Beanpole, and Dirt (Industry & Thrift, 1998, Sugar Hill)
The Bad Livers- Fist Magnet (Blood & Mood, 2000, Sugar Hill)
The Bad Livers- Love Songs Suck (Blood & Mood, 2000, Sugar Hill)
The Bad Livers- The Legend of Sawdust Boogers (Blood & Mood, 2000, Sugar Hill)
The Bad Livers- Ghost Train (Ridgetop Sessions, 2000, Lumpydisk)
The Bad Livers- Life in the Food Chain (Ridgetop Sessions, 2000, Lumpydisk)
The Bad Livers- Shot at a Bird, Hit Me a Stump (Ridgetop Sessions, 2000, Lumpydisk)
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