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M+/M- Ep. 295: Stand-Up Comedy Vol. 3


Comedian DEREK SHEEN curates this final volume of funny business!

Tom Lehrer-The Masochism Tango (More of Tom Lehrer, 1959)

Bob Newhart- An infinite Number of Monkeys (The Button Down Mind Strikes Back, 1960)
National Lampoon- Stereos and Such (That’s Not Funny That’s Sick, 1977)
Cheech and Chong- Dave (s/t, 1971)
Cheech and Chong- Dave (Live @ Santa Monica Civic, 1972)
Richard Pryor- Exorcist (That Nigger’s Crazy, 1974)
George Carlin- New News (An Evening With Wally Londo Featuring Bill Slaszo, 1975)
Gilda Radner- Honey Touch Me with My Cloths On (Live from New York, 1979)

Steve Martin- My Real Name (Comedy Is Not Pretty, 1979)
Steve Martin- My Real Name (A Wild and Crazy Guy, 1978)
Monty Python- Here Comes Another One (Contractual Obligation, 1980)
Brother Theodore- Berenice Pt. 1 (Monologues, 1964)
Albert Brooks- Phone Calls from Americans (A Star Is Bought, 1975)

Kevin Meaney- Big Pants People (That’s Not Right, 2004)
Jeff Altman- The Pinnacles Of Pleasure (I’ll Flip You Like a Cheese Omelette, 1989)
Judy Tenuta- Love Accordian To Judy (Buy This, Pigs!, 1987)
Emo Phillips- How to Escape Death (E=mo², 1985)
Stephen Wright- Dog Stay (I Have a Pony, 1985)
Ellen DeGeneres -Phone Call To God (Taste This, 1996)

Norm MacDonald- Hitler’s Dog (Hitler s Dog, Gossip, and Trickery, 2017)
Bill Hicks- A Killer Idea (Relentless, 1992)
Bobcat Goldthwait- Old Bob Behavior (Soldier for Christ, 2023)
Dana Gould- Bob Hope (I Know It’s Wrong, 2013)
Billy Conolly- Getting Caught Interfering With Yourself (Billy and Albert: Billy Connolly at the Royal Albert Hall, 1987)

Derek Sheen- Magic Bullet (Macho Caballero, 2020)
Patton Oswalt- My Favorite Christmas Memory (Feelin’ Kinda Patton, 2004)

Lord Buckley- The Raven (A Most Immaculately Hip Aristocrat, 1969)

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 146 MB - Duration: 2:01:41m (160 kbps 44100 Hz)

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