The Electric Beach Blanket

All the best surf rock, psych rock, garage rock, and party rock, from womp bomp a loo bop to rama lama fa fa fa and beyond!

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Electric Beach Blanket Episode 42


Electric Beach Blanket Episode 42

Thunderbird - Casual-Aires 0:00

Last Day On Earth - Velvet Haze 2:35

Taloong Jun Loum - The Son of P.M. 4:57

Monday, Monday - The Ventures 8:16

I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night - The Space Lady 10:57

Teenage Express - The Expresso’s 15:25

I Need Your Love - The Wizards 18:00

Green Fuz - Randy Alvey & Green Fuz 20:03

Rosemary’s Baby Aka Apache Ghost - Ed Burkey 22:08

Think About it Baby - Boy Blues 24:17

Baa Baa Buam Buam - Sroeng Santi 27:28

Surfside Date - Triumphs 30:52

The Khyber Twist - Sohail Rana 32:36

Cockroach Heaven - Yasushi Suzuki 34:58

Traffic Jam - Johnny and the Hurricanes 38:04

Kelewar - Koes Plus 40:42

Panic - Noisemakers 43:23

Atlantis - The Blue-Bells 45:22

Engine - The Hotbeats 47:57

Al Otro Lado - Los Acidos 50:36

Roller Coaster - The 13th Floor Elevators 57:10

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 74 MB - Duration: 1:02:19m (158 kbps 44100 Hz)

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